Illinois Italian Greyhound Rescue
IL Rescue Reps |
Cari Becker |
The Illinois Italian Greyhound Rescue became an affiliate of the IGRF in September 2008 when the first official rep was placed in the Chicago area. Before then, IL was covered in-part by the Wisconsin affiliate of the IGRF, and another local IG rescue organizations. Now, the IGRF volunteers in the Chicago area are more active and hold monthly Italian Greyhound Meet Ups which allow the dogs to come together, play, and burn off some energy while allowing their owners to have some social time.
Since being established, the Illinois Italian Greyhound Rescue has started to spread South from Chicago and the suburbs to include the Southern parts of Illinois too, and even some of the more remote areas along the Western border with Iowa. IL is unique in that Chicago is a major US city surrounded by both large and small suburbs. IL also has Springfield, and neighboring towns which have a handful of Italian Greyhound owners too. IL adopters are really a diverse group. City dwellers love the breed because of their size and ability to thrive in an apartment or condo situation, as well as in a single family home with a yard found in the suburbs, or in the southern part of the state where you can still find working farms and rural areas. The diversity makes each application a surprise to open, you never know who you will meet next that admires the breed.
The Illinois Italian Greyhound Rescue also has representation in and around Champaign in the Southern part of IL. Dogs are regularly moved between these areas in order to help as many dogs as possible, and take advantage of the large differences in population between the two areas. The Illinois affiliate has partnerships with some of the local humane societies, and takes dog from them when called upon. However, many local humane societies and animal control departments prefer to place Italian Greyhounds in homes without assistance, some of which end up being re-surrendered to the Illinois Italian Greyhound Rescue because the homes were not vetted thoroughly enough. Additionally, IL works with surrounding states and vice-versa to rescue and re-home dogs. Over the years IL and surrounding states have saved countless IG's because of this wonderful network.