Kansas Italian Greyhound Rescue

KS Rescue Reps | |
Sarah Niileksela (Volunteer) |
Deb Pankau (Official Rep) |
Kansas Italian Greyhound Rescue has historically functioned in part with the Missouri chapter, many times the volunteers work "both" sides of the state lines to foster and transport dogs. Around 2002 or 2003, there were a couple of volunteers serving limited areas of Kansas, and even helped transport 8-10 IGs from a puppy mill closure to Missouri. Rescue efforts continued on an as-needed basis for a couple of years, and a couple of dogs were fostered temporarily too during that time.
The first official rescue representatives for the state began in 2005 just South and North of Kansas City respectively, and shortly thereafter the Kansas Italian Greyhound Rescue obtained a rescue license to operate across the State of Kansas, allowing the group to pull Italian Greyhounds out of other shelters or humane societies. Kansas has seen a resurgence in volunteer rescue efforts since 2005 when we were lucky enough to recruit key volunteers in both the Lawrence, and then later, in the Wichita, KS areas. From there many previous adopters regularly volunteer in various capacities including transport, fostering, fundraising, or simply attending events to educate about and promote the breed. Since the addition of these volunteers and through group sponsored "play dates" and fundraising events, our rescue family has grown substantially. The Kansas group is always looking for "iggy minded" families to join in, and other fellow IG owners or admirers are encouraged to reach out and see what fun events we have planned for the future!