IGRF Charity Evaluations
Donors should be fully aware of where money for every non-profit they support is spent, and we believe in transparency and publish annual reports online so that potential donors can learn some of the financial details about our organization. A few nationally recognized charity evaluation websites publish the Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation's annual financial data for public review, and help explain how to understand the data contained within. Additionally, these websites sometimes also require additional information regularly requested by supporters in order to help make informed giving decisions. The Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation regularly provides the financial reports and additional data to these websites in order to comply with future donors' needs. Listed below are some charity evaluation websites which publish data about the Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation, and allow comparison against other animal shelters and rescue organizations throughout the USA.

The Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation is an all-volunteer organization nationwide. That means we have no paid positions, board members, representatives, or staff what-so-ever (neither part or full-time). Many volunteers every year graciously spend hundreds of hours each, donating their time to help the Italian Greyhounds in our program. To continue providing services to the Italian Greyhounds in our program, we rely on private donations in order to help pay for veterinary expenses incurred during their stay in a foster home. Please consider a donation today to help ensure our program will continue to help as many Italian Greyhounds as possible.