
Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation

Help Sponsor WREN Through Her Spinal Surgery

Wren is a fighter and because of the Italian Greyhound Rescue she has a new chance at life. Read her story and help us cover her spinal fusion surgery.


Beware of numerous websites selling Italian Greyhound puppies and taking deposits/fees. Any website that you cannot verify the breeder or identity, can't video chat, are requested to send via Zelle, Applepay, wire money, money gram, or gift cards then IT IS LIKELY A SCAM. Such sites will often claim poor phone or internet connection to avoid talking. Research and help report new scam websites at ScamPulse.com

Employer Charitable Donation Matching

One of the easiest ways to increase your donation is to take advantage of programs your employer may offer, which match up to 100% of your donation to the Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation or our affiliates. This applies to both one-time, multiple, or reoccurring donations normally. Some companies match only donations taken directly from your paychecks, while others match donations via check or cash too (with proper documentation). For example, if you donate $50 to help with the costs of a specific Italian Greyhound in a foster home, or to support our organization in general, you simply need to complete your employer matching form so your company may also contribute up to $50 in addition to your own donation. It is that easy.

So, if you have spotted an IG who came from a bad situation, has incurred extraordinary medical costs, or reminds you of a former pet, please ask your employer's human resource department if they have a charitable donation matching program. At other companies, these programs may also be referred to as a giving campaign, gift program, or matching gift programs.

Search for Employers Offering Charitable Matching Programs

Want to know if your employer has a charitable gift matching program? Search our database of major companies who are known to have such programs available.

Employer Name:     

Search Tips:

Our searchable database of employers who offer matching is not comprehensive by any means. Companies are constantly offering new benefits including charitable gift matching to employees, so simply asking your employer's human resource department or checking your company website or intranet is the best way to find out about such programs.

And, if your employer doesn't currently offer charitable gift matching, it never hurts to ask them to consider it. Employees will feel more engaged with their company when such programs are offered, and feel that a company is willing to support important causes important to their employees, including support for the Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation.

Help Completing Gift Matching Forms

If you have picked up a form from your employer, or your employer requires a charity to register with them before receiving a donation, please let us know! We can help provide any required information to get approved, and often once a charity is approved by a company, it is then available to receive donations from all other employees too. Basic information is usually needed for such forms and much of it can be obtained in the below table:

Employer Identification Number (EIN):

  • 46-0480347
  • Organization Name:

  • Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation, Inc.
  • Organization Address:

  • Patty Woodbury - IGRF Treasurer
       7 Damon St.
       North Reading, MA 01864-2210
  • Phone:

  • 978.664.6529
  • Fax:

  • 978.207.1065
  • Email:

  • saluki13atcomcast.net
       (Replace the word "at" with an @ symbol.)
  • Website:

  • http://www.igrescue.com/
  • Organization Type:

  • 501(c)(3) Public Charity
  • Animal Protection & Welfare
  • For more information completing forms, please contact your local or state rescue representative or affiliate. If you are unable to reach your local representatives, feel free to reach out to our national treasurer the email address above.


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    Italian Greyhounds...

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    ...Or consider donating directly to our group online or from your employer sponsored program to keep us operating.

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