
Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation

Help Sponsor WREN Through Her Spinal Surgery

Wren is a fighter and because of the Italian Greyhound Rescue she has a new chance at life. Read her story and help us cover her spinal fusion surgery.


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Workplace Donation Initiatives

Corporate Volunteer Hours

A growing trend in workplaces is for employers to give their employees PTO hours to volunteer within the community, sometimes called "employer sponsored volunteerism" or "employer supported volunteering", while other employers will make contributions to where an employee chooses to volunteer. Often you have to provide proof of volunteering, the number of hours volunteered, and have a representative from that organization provide verification of the hours volunteered, but filling out a short form is often well worth the time in helping out your favorite charity. Often, these funds come out of pools of money allocated for charitable giving, which are then divided among the organizations where employee have submitted proof of volunteering, or each employee is allocated a specific amount of funds they are allowed to donate to the charity of their choice.

Donate Unused PTO to Charity

Recently, some employers are even adapting programs where unused or unwanted vacation or pto time can be donated to the charity of their choice, where the equivalent amount of pay the employee would earn during that time is donated to the charity of their choice.

How Do I Know?

Check with your company's Human Resource or Corporate Giving Departments to see what programs they may offer their employees. You may get a day or two off a year to volunteer, and also contribute financially to that charity at the same time. According to SHRM almost 20% of large employers offer such programs with varying rules for participating. We hope that you will consider volunteering with the Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation in any capacity, and encourage you to view our current volunteer opportunities both at the national level and with our local or state affiliates.


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Italian Greyhounds...

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...Or consider donating directly to our group online or from your employer sponsored program to keep us operating.

In Cooperation
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