
Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation

Help Sponsor WREN Through Her Spinal Surgery

Wren is a fighter and because of the Italian Greyhound Rescue she has a new chance at life. Read her story and help us cover her spinal fusion surgery.


Beware of numerous websites selling Italian Greyhound puppies and taking deposits/fees. Any website that you cannot verify the breeder or identity, can't video chat, are requested to send via Zelle, Applepay, wire money, money gram, or gift cards then IT IS LIKELY A SCAM. Such sites will often claim poor phone or internet connection to avoid talking. Research and help report new scam websites at ScamPulse.com

Toxic or Poisonous Items for Italian Greyhounds

Many people know about basic food that should not be given to dogs, but there are far more things around the house which are just as harmful and even more in some instances. Please take time and review the list of items below, which are known to be safe, ok in moderation, or completely poisonous or toxic to dogs. The first two items are denoted separately since a crisis has started in the last few years due to new formulas or ingredients being used.

50+ Human Food Your Dogs Can And Can Not Eat
Graphic Courtesy: CyberPet.com


Here are a few more foods that should not be given to any Italian Greyhound or other pets, even in small doses:

For a much more detailed list of other foods, check out the Pet Poison Helpline website.


Common household or landscaping plants can cause sickness in Italian Greyhounds too. Pets commonly resort to eating grass or other greenery when they have an upset stomach, so a plant within easy access to a pet could make a dog even sicker. Common household plants which should be avoided where IGs can access them include:

This list is not at all comprehensive, so please check the websites below for more information.


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Italian Greyhounds...

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...Or consider donating directly to our group online or from your employer sponsored program to keep us operating.

In Cooperation
AdoptAPet.com Petfinder.com