
Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation

Help Sponsor WREN Through Her Spinal Surgery

Wren is a fighter and because of the Italian Greyhound Rescue she has a new chance at life. Read her story and help us cover her spinal fusion surgery.


Beware of numerous websites selling Italian Greyhound puppies and taking deposits/fees. Any website that you cannot verify the breeder or identity, can't video chat, are requested to send via Zelle, Applepay, wire money, money gram, or gift cards then IT IS LIKELY A SCAM. Such sites will often claim poor phone or internet connection to avoid talking. Research and help report new scam websites at ScamPulse.com

Non-Cancerous and Cancerous Skin Tumors (Hemangioma & Hemangiosarcoma)

Italian Greyhounds with thin coats, or white fur seem to be particularly sensitive to the sun, or those with little fur on their belly or underside. For dogs who love to sun themselves outdoors, or near a window, dog sunscreen is recommended to help keep their skin from developing cancerous (or pre-cancerous) tumors.

It is important to watch for odd looking spots on the skin, bumps or hard lesions that don't heal, or disappear after a week or two, or those which appear to be growing or changing shape. Taking pictures of suspicious spots can help you track if spots are growing or changing shape, and including something for reference to measure the spots.

If your Italian Greyhound is diagnosed with Hemangioma (non-cancerous spots) or Hemangiosarcoma (cancerous or pre-cancerous tumors), IGs we have had in rescue before have been prescribed by an oncologist one daily 400mg tablet of I'm-Yunity brand herbal supplement which is a mushroom extract, and one daily capsule of Yunnan Baiyo, a traditional Chinese medicine (readily available online or in natural or Chinese markets). There is evidence from a UPenn study which backs up the I'm-Yunity claims. Any treatment should be reviewed with your veterinarian prior to being given to ensure that it is a proper treatment for your Italian Greyhound's specific needs. We are only providing this information for those looking for advice on supplements which may be helpful in combating cancer development or progression. Capsules can be given orally by using pill pockets or pouches or by wrapping it in some cheese (for dogs who tolerate milk products), and given as a treat.


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