Dog Products
Here are some of our favorite pet products, and sites to help save money on pet-related merchandise. The businesses listed here are those which we have partnered with before and have sent donation checks to the Italian Greyhound Rescue to help care for the medical bills for our fosters. So, please do them all a favor and consider them first when shopping for pet products online.
Biggy Iggy Auction - An online auction of dog and other products that is the largest annual fundraiser for the Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation. This annual auction is held online only, so don't miss all the cool products!
Barkertime Pet Products - A great source for doggie diapers, belly bands, clothes and other products with a fashionable look and patterns. Designed and made in the USA too! - Give your dog something out of the huge line of chew products, and keep their teeth clean at the same time.
Pet Play Dog Beds - Dog beds of all shapes and sizes, and one that is sure to fit your IG's selective taste.
Not seeing what you want?
The largest pet retailers are part of and have many more products available which may not be on the websites above. So, check out the small businesses above that support the Italian Greyhound Rescue Foudnation, and then if they don't have what you are looking for check out the national pet chains on .