
Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation

Help Sponsor WREN Through Her Spinal Surgery

Wren is a fighter and because of the Italian Greyhound Rescue she has a new chance at life. Read her story and help us cover her spinal fusion surgery.


Beware of numerous websites selling Italian Greyhound puppies and taking deposits/fees. Any website that you cannot verify the breeder or identity, can't video chat, are requested to send via Zelle, Applepay, wire money, money gram, or gift cards then IT IS LIKELY A SCAM. Such sites will often claim poor phone or internet connection to avoid talking. Research and help report new scam websites at ScamPulse.com

Found or Other In-Need Italian Greyhounds

Our adoptable Italian Greyhounds come from all different situations. Although most are owner surrenders, we do get them from other sources too, including the occasional stray dog. If you have found an Italian Greyhound roaming loose, on an online posting, or from any other situation that you feel we may be able to help, please contact your local or state Italian Greyhound Rescue so we can offer assistance.

Here are some tips on what to do if you run across an IG in need from various situations:

  1. Stray Italian Greyhounds
  2. IGs Being Rehomed Online or in Newspaper
  3. Iggys in a Humane Society or Other Shelter

Stray Italian Greyhounds

Stray dogs are often scared and may bite out of fear, even if they are normally friendly dogs, so be careful if you attempt to catch a dog running loose. If a dog appears to be injured it is always best to call for help rather than attempt to move a hurt animal yourself to reduce the risk of further injury to the animal, or possibly being bit.

Some stray dogs will not want to get near people, but will return to the same house daily if they are being fed and/or given water. Building this trust may help in locating a stray Italian Greyhound, or luring it in to a fenced area where it can be picked up by your local or state Italian Greyhound Rescue, animal control, humane society or other authorities (such as the police or sheriff). Please also note when a stray dog appears throughout the day, which can be valuable insight when trying to locate an iggy.

If you have found an Italian Greyhound, please let us know, contact your local Animal Control authority, and always follow any laws or ordinances regarding stray pets. We often will be able to put it in a foster home until the owners are located in cooperation with local authorities or shelters, or if it is not claimed we can put it up for adoption. Many humane societies or animal control offices only give stray dogs a few days to be claimed before they are potentially euthanized. We will do our best to find a place for it to go, or can at least offer you the best options in your area to help ensure it is returned home safely, or finds a new forever home.

  1. Check the dog for tags which may have a phone number on it where you can reach the owners.
  2. Call your local or state Italian Greyhound Rescue and let them know. We often hear about found iggys around the same time as they are lost or found.
  3. Call your local animal control department and report it found, there is a good chance the owners already reported it missing.
  4. Inform your local humane society in case the owner has contacted them about their lost IG.
  5. If the dog can safely be handled, a veterinary office, humane society, animal control office or other authorities may have a microchip scanner to help reunite the Italian Greyhound with their home.
  6. Try to get a picture of it to post online. Give basic details about where it is located, and the appearance or markings of the dog. If a potential owner contacts you, ask them to provide a clear picture of the dog before they are allowed to come over. Scammers may claim lost dogs to resell, or keep animals that don't belong to them. Even animal abusers have been known to pick up stray dogs, or free dogs online.

IGs Being Re-homed Online or in Newspaper

Yes, it is hard to believe, but people do put ads online or in the newspaper to re-home their Italian Greyhound(s), sometimes for a small fee, other times for free. If you run across an Italian Greyhound that is being given away for free, or low-cost amount (less than $100), please contact your local or state Italian Greyhound Rescue***. Although we will not pay to get a dog, if we contact someone looking to re-home their dog they often surrender it to rescue, so we can help find it an iggy-ready home. In some cases, newspapers or websites tell people to charge a small fee in their ads, in order to weed out people who can't afford food, or routine veterinary care. But, owners often waive the fee for rescue because they appreciate help ensuring their dog goes to a quality home.

We would rather hear about an IG in need multiple times, rather than not get any notice what-so-ever. So, take a couple of minutes and let your local rescue rep know about any Italian Greyhound(s) in need.

*** Note: Please try to distinguish between people looking to sell litters of puppies, versus those who are trying to find a new home for their own pet(s). Keywords like "puppies", "pure-bred", "AKC", "APR" or "UTD" (up-to-date) generally tell us that the dogs were bred and being sold, rather than being re-homed. If the dogs are under 6 months of age, then they are most likely for sale, if they are one year or older they are likely being re-homed. Cost is also a big indicator of dogs being sold versus those that were bred for profit. The Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation is here to assist people needing to re-home their own dogs, who are willing to relinquish them to our group. We do not assist people in selling dogs to the public, offer any type of breeding service, or adopt unfixed pets ever.

Iggys in a Humane Society or Other Shelter

Italian Greyhounds often have a difficult time being alone in a humane society or other animal shelter. Commonly dogs are housed in "cells" by themselves with few amenities, blankets, etc. Some Italian Greyhounds become shy and reserved hiding in the back corner of the kennel shaking, and not interacting with people who are looking to adopt. Other IGs, try to get attention from people by barking, whining, or yipping to draw people's attention. Both of these tend to turn off potential adopters from taking them home.

Local affiliates of the Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation have established partnerships with hundreds of shelters throughout the United States. Sometimes the IGs are put on the shelter's adoption floor first, and given a few days to find a home. In other locations, they may immediately be surrendered to the Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation because the community is not familiar with the breed needs, they lack space to house any more pets, or believe the specific pet will not do well in a shelter environment. No matter what the reason, we will try to find space in a foster home environment where they will be able to live with people and other dogs. Then, screen potential homes to ensure the IGs end up in a home where they can live long and healthy lives.

Our rescue representatives often do not have time to scour the Internet, local shelters or humane societies for Italian Greyhounds. Therefore, if you know of an Italian Greyhound available for adoption, please inform your local or state Italian Greyhound Rescue. Even simple things like this help us out!


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In Cooperation
AdoptAPet.com Petfinder.com