
Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation

Help Sponsor WREN Through Her Spinal Surgery

Wren is a fighter and because of the Italian Greyhound Rescue she has a new chance at life. Read her story and help us cover her spinal fusion surgery.


Beware of numerous websites selling Italian Greyhound puppies and taking deposits/fees. Any website that you cannot verify the breeder or identity, can't video chat, are requested to send via Zelle, Applepay, wire money, money gram, or gift cards then IT IS LIKELY A SCAM. Such sites will often claim poor phone or internet connection to avoid talking. Research and help report new scam websites at ScamPulse.com

Short-Term Assistance

We sometimes get asked to provide short-term assistance to Italian Greyhound owners in need. Although our funding is not great enough to assist with medical costs for people and their personal dogs, we can certainly point owners in the right direction to receive assistance from organizations whose focus is helping in times of need. Please keep in mind that if you utilize any of these services, it is admirable to contribute to those groups in return once you are able.

Food Donations

Sometimes our local rescue representatives do receive donations of food, and may be able to provide very short-term assistance to help people in tough situations. Our rescue representatives may be aware of local pet food banks, who are set up to provide short-term assistance to those in temporary need. Often in exchange for receiving such help, the organizations require people to provide proof of income, and/or to do volunteer work within the community as a requirement of assistance. Feel free to email your local Italian Greyhound Rescue to see what options may be available in your area.

Vacation "Iggy-Sitting"

Everyone needs a vacation, and sometimes it is not feasible or possible to take your IG(s) with you when you need to get away and unplug. We love to see our previous foster dogs, and often foster homes welcome the chance to take care of their previous fosters for a few days or a week. Plus, since the dog may already familiar with a previous foster home it is much more relaxed than being in a strange environment at a vet clinic or boarding kennel, away from people or alone in a cage overnight. Since we are a non-profit organization, a donation to rescue for iggy-sitting based on the length of stay will help pay for our expenses and ensure foster dogs receive the care they deserve. Most people are willing to pay rates equal to other boarding services or more, simply because of the dogs being in a home environment, often being in a home with other IGs, and the "preferential" (but well-deserved) treatment they receive from the caregivers. Please contact your local rescue representative as far in advance as possible so they have the chance to check availability of potential caretakers.

Spay/Neuter Assistance

We do not provide assistance to people looking to spay or neuter their own pets. There are literally hundreds of programs whose primary focus is to help pet owners spay or neuter their pets to help keep pet populations under control. Often these programs are financial-based to help those in need, but many clinics also offer low-cost spay or neuters to anyone regardless of income. Your local Italian Greyhound Rescue Representatives are often knowledgeable about resources in your area to assist with sterilization procedures.

Help with Medical Costs

Sudden medical costs can be a burden on anyone, regardless of income, and unfortunately can be a primary reason pets are surrendered to shelters, or rescue organizations. We are not able to provide medical assistance of any Italian Greyhound owners for their dogs, but have compiled the following list of groups or funding ideas where help may be available in extreme situations:

Each program has its own criteria, and money is not guaranteed. However, it doesn't hurt to apply if you are truly in need. Other people have had success creating online fundraisers to pay for unexpected medical costs on crowdfunding websites such as Go Fund Me, or other similar sites, and then posting it to Italian Greyhound message boards websites, message boards or groups nationally.


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Italian Greyhounds...

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...Or consider donating directly to our group online or from your employer sponsored program to keep us operating.

In Cooperation
AdoptAPet.com Petfinder.com