
Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation

Help Sponsor WREN Through Her Spinal Surgery

Wren is a fighter and because of the Italian Greyhound Rescue she has a new chance at life. Read her story and help us cover her spinal fusion surgery.


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Why Volunteer?

Volunteering can be a very rewarding experience no matter what your choice of volunteer activity. The Italian Greyhound Rescue and our local affiliates are always looking for new volunteers. Our volunteer activities aren't just limited to fostering dogs, but also encompass everything from promotion of our adoptable pets (online or in-person), to transporting animals, or a wide variety of other options.

Benefits of Volunteering for the IGRF

Schedule Flexibility - Volunteering for the Italian Greyhound Rescue is very flexible in scheduling, since it can be done in your free time and in your pajamas, rather than on a fixed schedule or during business hours only. If you are interested in fostering a dog, you care for them just like you own pets and maintain a similar schedule. Other activities, which don't rotate around the dog's needs, are generally even more flexible. The most important qualification for our volunteers is that they need to be internally motivated to help the animals, and be able to reliably help when needed.

Location Independent - Most of our volunteer activities, other than assisting at booths or transporting dogs are independent of where you live. We don't have brick and mortar shelters that house our Italian Greyhound foster dogs either. So, if you live in rural America or in the center of a metropolis, we probably can find a way you can volunteer. We also realize that fostering a dog may not be optimal for every individual or family, and that is why we have so many other opportunities available in any state.

Family Activity - Many of our volunteer activities can be done by a family from fostering to helping at a booth at a local event. Fostering a pet can help teach pre-teens responsibility in caring for animals, and get them interested in community service, without the boredom associated with other volunteer activities. And, it can also educate children on proper care for an animal, and allow them to see the physical and mental condition that mistreatment can cause. However, since Italian Greyhounds are more on the fragile side, we do ask that families with very young or rough children wait until the children are more mature and can handle pet care responsibilities.

Boost Your Resume - Volunteering for a non-profit adds value to your resume and shows you are intrinsically motivated to be involved in community service. If you are between jobs, volunteering can help fill the void in a resume, and cure the boredom of daytime television. At the same time, you are helping promote pet adoption in various ways, and saving the lives of the Italian Greyhounds in our fostering program. Plus, volunteer activities may gain you new skills that you can use in your current job to earn a promotion or take on additional responsibilities.

Any volunteer activity for the Italian Greyhound Rescue, or any associated affiliates, may provide you new experiences, allow you to connect with new people, or even develop a new interest or hobby. Smaller, widely-distributed organizations such as the Italian Greyhound Rescue are always looking for volunteers with the expertise to help in various ways. Volunteering can be a great opportunity for people who are home throughout the day, and don't have time to drive across town to volunteer at a specific location. And, volunteering allows the flexibility to those who want to only spend a few hours helping each week. So, we hope that you consider our various volunteering opportunities, no matter where you live, because your time will help us find new homes for our adoptable Italian Greyhounds.


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Italian Greyhounds...

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...Or consider donating directly to our group online or from your employer sponsored program to keep us operating.

In Cooperation
AdoptAPet.com Petfinder.com