
Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation

Help Sponsor WREN Through Her Spinal Surgery

Wren is a fighter and because of the Italian Greyhound Rescue she has a new chance at life. Read her story and help us cover her spinal fusion surgery.


Beware of numerous websites selling Italian Greyhound puppies and taking deposits/fees. Any website that you cannot verify the breeder or identity, can't video chat, are requested to send via Zelle, Applepay, wire money, money gram, or gift cards then IT IS LIKELY A SCAM. Such sites will often claim poor phone or internet connection to avoid talking. Research and help report new scam websites at ScamPulse.com

Online Donations

We appreciate a donation of any type or size. The Idaho Italian Greyhound Rescue is a small organization and the competition to get donations is fierce given the total number of charities nationally. So, we try to make it as easy as possible to support the Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation, by providing a variety of opportunities to give, either cash or non-monetary based on your own personal preferences. Although, the easiest way to donate is online, did you realize that anywhere between 2-10% of any online donations are never seen by any charity? Why? Because they are eaten up by processing charges, fees, etc. So, if you are considering a donation the best way to give is to donate directly to your local Italian Greyhound Rescue affiliate in cash, or by check so your donation can be utilized to the fullest.

However, if you prefer to donate online for simplicity, please feel free to donate via PayPal securely using the button below. You will be transferred to the PayPal website to complete the transaction, then returned to our website afterward.


Donate online via PayPal!

Note: PayPal charges non-profits 2.2% plus 30 cents per donation (January 2015).

Want to Double Your Donation?

Many employers offer charitable matching programs as a benefit to their employees, and these programs are some of the most overlooked benefits offered today. Often upon providing documentation, employers will match 100% or a portion of any donation to the Italian Greyhound Rescue. Read more about Employer Matching Programs or Paycheck Contributions and how you may be able to take advantage of such offerings from an employer. Be sure to print your online donation receipt from PayPal as proof of your online donation to the Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation, or any one of our local affiliates, to provide with any other required documentation needed for any workplace matching programs.